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Study and learning
Study and learning
I need to type macrons when using Māori language in my assignments. Is there an easy way to do this?
How do I complete an LNAAT assessment?
What is an LNAAT assessment?
What happens after I’ve been referred to a Te Pūkenga NMIT support service?
How can I be referred to Te Pūkenga NMIT support services?
NMIT guidelines for proofreading, editing and developing student writing skills
How can the Learner Services Support Team help me?
What does the NMIT Learning Support Team do?
What support can offshore online students access?
How can the Equity Support Team help me?
Is there support available if I suspect or know I have learning difficulties?
What if I need help with my studies?
How do I complete my Literacy and Numeracy assessment?
I feel stressed out and it's affecting my studies. Who can I talk to?
How can the Learner Services Team help me?
Learner Services contact details
What is the Library Learning Centre?
Who can I talk to for help?
Where is the Learner Services team located?
There are so many readings to do each week, I need to speed up. Is there a more effective way?
I feel overwhelmed by my timetable. Who can I go to for help with organisation?
Do I need to pay for Learning Support services?