When a referral is received, support teams
arrange to meet you to listen to your needs and offer support (Learner Services sends calendar appointments to the email address provided on the referral and your student email - @live.nmit.ac.nz),
record referrals and subsequent meetings on a confidential online platform (accessible by support staff, not by tutors or programme area staff).
If the referral was sent by a kaimahi or another person to Learner Services, within a week Learner Services will simply confirm with that person that you are or are not engaging with Learner Services staff with no further details.
If needed and agreed by you, you can be referred to other services e.g. counselling, GP.
If needed, a follow-up appointment may be scheduled or a follow-up email, text or phone call may be made to check in on your progress
All support is confidential. NMIT Support Services ‘do things with you, not to you.’ You are at the centre of your learning and any support you engage in.
Wrap-around support (between you, different support services and/or programme areas) only happens if you agree, or if your safety is at risk.