In the first weeks of study, you will be given personalized LNAAT (Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool) initial assessment codes and asked to complete one or two online assessments, such as reading and/or math.
Enter the codes at the LNAAT website, or navigate to the webpage via the Moodle dashboard link.
Towards the end of your studies, you will be asked to do this again; the progress assessment will track your skills level progression over the term of study.
It’s important for you to understand:
The assessment is not a pass/fail test.
Everyone will get questions wrong.
The LNAAT tool is adaptive, so, as you answer, the questions become increasingly difficult.
Your results will be private between you and your tutor.
If you do receive a lower-level result, additional learning support is available, your tutor and Te Tautoko Ākonga - Student Support advisors can help.
You can use a calculator and take as much time as you need to.
Watch the Youth Assessment introductory video to find out more about the assessment, and why it is useful to you and your overall learning.
If you have any questions or need any help to sit the assessment, please contact your tutor.