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What levels of Cambridge English Language do you need to get into the various levels of NMIT programmes? - HOW DO I / Applying / IELTS and Cambridge Testing - NMIT Support

What levels of Cambridge English Language do you need to get into the various levels of NMIT programmes?

The table below shows the FCE or CAE recommended scores for most of our programmes. 


Programme Level Recommended FCE or CAE scores IELTS (Academic)
Certificate at Level 3 Score of 154 with no band score lower than 154 Score of 5 with no band score lower than 5
Certificate at Level 4 Score of 162 with no band score lower than 154 Score of 5.5 with no band score lower than 5
Certificate or Diploma at Level 5 Score of 162 with no band score lower than 154 Score of 5.5 with no band score lower than 5

Certificate or Diploma at Level 6 or 7, Degree,
Graduate Certificate or Diploma

Score of 169 with no band score lower than 162 Score of 6 with no band score lower than 5.5
Postgraduate Level 8 CAE score of 176 with no band score lower than 169 Score of 6.5 with no band score lower than 6