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How does eBook central work?

How does it work?

Proquest eBook Central ebooks can be browsed and borrowed to read online, or downloaded to read offline. eBook Central also allows you to print (20%), copy/paste (5%) and create notes/bookmarks.

Why can I borrow some ebooks straight away, and others I have to wait for?

Some titles allow multiple-users to access the book simultaneously. After an initial 10 minute browse period you will be prompted to request a loan. The loan should happen instantly. Other titles are more restricted. These titles allow a maximum of 1-3 users only to read or download the eBook.

How do I download an eBook to read offline?

You do not need to download an eBook unless you need access to it later when you are no longer online, or if you want to read it on a handheld device, such as an e-reader. 

We recommend you use the ‘Download PDF Chapter’ option (shown below), if available, as these never expire and are much easier to download.


Using your own PC or laptop?
Ebooks downloaded to personal computers are read via Adobe Digital Editions. Please ensure you have this free software installed before downloading. The install process for Adobe Digital Editions is available from the link ‘Download an eBook” on the eBook Central homepage.

Using your own device?
 You will first need to download the free Bluefire Reader app onto your device via your App store (e.g. iTunes, Playstore).

Need help?

Check out the help guides accessed via the NMIT Collection section on the eBook Central homepage. If you need further help, please don't hesitate to contact the library.

Check out our Library website for more information about accessing eBooks @ NMIT.