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Android, iPhone, iPad or for a Windows laptop - Install "geteduroam" app - HOW DO I / Technology / eduroam | Free Campus Wi-Fi - NMIT Support

Android, iPhone, iPad or for a Windows laptop - Install "geteduroam" app

Android, iPhone, iPad or for a Windows laptop

***To download the geteduroam app, your device needs to be connected to the internet. This is best done when you are on-campus***

eduroam Coverage map

Install geteduroam app from your app store and follow the instructions below.  Instructions are lot similar to all devices e.g., iOS, android and Windows


Open the geteduroam app and search for "Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology | Te Pūkenga " and select the correct profile click OK.


Use your current NMIT email address and password to authenticate and go "Connect to network" Allow and Join



Now you will see your Mobile phone is connected to eduroam Wi-Fi network.