To ensure that NMIT:
• selects and appoints the best possible candidate with the most appropriate skills, qualifications and experience for the position to be performed;
• employs staff members in line with our Child Protection Policy;
• shows firm commitment to the principle of non-discrimination;
• appoints in a fair and equitable manner, based on merit;
• ensures that all employees and applicants for employment have equal employment opportunities regardless of gender, race, ethnic or national origins, marital status, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, physical or sensory disability, political and religious beliefs and activities (unless those activities are contrary to the polices of the Institute) or any other criteria;
• appropriately applies assessment criteria for the candidate relevant to the role;
• ensures starting salaries are aligned internally for parity purposes, fairly reflect workloads and meet the requirements of the respective current Collective Agreements;
• inducts the new employee appropriately as relevant to the job to be performed;
• applies fair, equitable and clear probation processes that are in line with the provisions of the current Collective Agreement.