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How can I save money on food while studying? - HOW DO I / International students / Living in New Zealand - NMIT Support

How can I save money on food while studying?

Are you a New Zealand student on a tight budget? Are you an international student getting used to different pricing and ways of doing things? 

No matter your situation, there are many ways to save money on food. Some of these include:

  • Make your own lunch, such as sandwiches, or pack leftovers.
  • Refill your water or juice bottle or make your own coffee instead of purchasing drinks.
  • In supermarkets or other larger stores, buy the supermarket own-brand labels.
  • Buy staples like rice in bulk.
  • In Nelson and Marlborough there are speciality food shops that may have the foods you are looking for - ask your fellow students or our international cultural advisors.
  • Check out for some cheap and easy ideas for cooking your own food.
  • Buy fruit and vegetables that are in season, or frozen.
  • Farmers markets are a good option for purchasing cheap fruit and vegetables.